

Skinprint CEO Bob Manzo knows what Savvy has been up to—and it’s not good. “You tanned as a kid and you probably ski. Your nose has more damage than your forehead; you have what I call ‘Baltimore dryness’—a lot of women here have drier foreheads. And you sustained trauma to the right side of your face at some point, the cells aren’t processing evenly.” Manzo, a chemist and former R&D guru for Avon, developed the Skinprint system to customize skin-care products specifically for clients. Two digital photos are taken (one under black light) to assess wrinkles, sun damage, texture and tone. Next, Manzo measures how well your face processes nutrients, holds moisture and retains firmness. This is digitally transmitted to the lab, where chemists create products to match your needs. After a few months, clients are retested to measure results. Savvy was skeptical, but after using the Skinprint products, she noticed her skin was much softer and some fine lines had started to disappear. Available exclusively at Mt. Washington Spa, 1600 Kelly Ave., 410-664-3400.

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