Glam Tech Brought Beyoncé’s Stylist to Baltimore

Greenwade and Hunter embrace after his talk.
Lakisha Greenwade and Ty Hunter embrace after his talk.

What better setting is there for showcasing startup technology than at a startup event? Glam Tech, in its first official year, brought out Baltimore’s chic and tech-savvy—oh and not to mention Ty Hunter, Beyoncé’s stylist of 16 years—to the Knights of Columbus Hall on Hull Street this past Saturday.

The day-long expo focused on innovation and fashion started with opening remarks delivered by a bubbly Lakisha Greenwade, the event’s organizer, and councilman Nick Mosby. Caprece Jackson-Garrett, founder of the marketing firm Bonneau Caprece, presented on the history of Baltimore’s fashion, though once Jackson-Garrett mentioned she had skipped town as a young woman for Paris with nothing more than a suitcase and $100, I was keen on knowing more about her history.

Emerging fashion designer (featured in our April issue!) Jordan Matthews, MICA professor Olivia Robinson, Jeremiah Jones of SewLab, T-shirt designer Andrea Tomlin, Rose Burt of Yet Analytics and Shawntera Hardy—who came all the way from Minnesota—with Civic Eagle rounded out the morning with a panel on the future of wearable technology in Baltimore. That future is, unfortunately, uncertain with the loom of low resources here.

After lunch, the key-note speaker, Hunter, took to the stage. He delivered a remarkable talk on believing in yourself, molded from bits of his star-studded personal history. “I’m not the match, you guys are” he said working with a fire analogy. “But I can be the spark.” Hunter, who has his own selfie camera light, declared that he would do more in Baltimore.

Standard of any new tech gadget, the day was not without a few hiccups in this beta version. But, that diverse group gathered in the dimly lit hall were more than accommodating. Talks, panels and even lunch were rearranged without complaint. It was clear by the energy that everyone had one thing in common: Optimism for Baltimore’s fashionable tech future.

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